
It all began with a note I wrote to my doctor. The note read,

‘ I think I have depression.’

TEAMReb seeks to raise awareness of our mental health and mental illnesses through discussion and partnerships. Our goal is to provide the means with which to start conversations; to give mental health a voice; and to spread the understanding and undoing the stigma that surrounds mental ill-health. We're all on the same TEAM.


One in four people in the UK will experience a mental health problem at some point in their life; Two out of three of these will not seek medical treatment.


Perhaps, because of the negative stigma which continues to haunt this misunderstood topic. If things could change, we might realise that a mental illness is not something to be ashamed of. We might, instead, be better equipped to help people through illnesses. Fortunately, it is possible to alter public perception. A mental illness can, and should, be treated with just as much attention and seriousness as any physical illness.


In order to address this, we seek to raise awareness through education. Whilst working towards giving back to the community, we advocate the importance of communication. It is only through discussion that we can begin to break down stigma. Whether you have a mental illness or a supporter of someone who does, we hope through TEAMReb we can influence your topic of conversation. We know we can't do this alone - Teamwork is essential. Together everyone achieves more, and no one's overlooked. So, welcome to the TEAM.

 “Just because no one can heal or do your inner work for you doesn’t mean you can, should, or need to do it alone.”

A message from Reb :

“I hope through sharing my most vulnerable moments that it helps others to create a bridge to move across and to start important conversations. If you’re struggling with your mental health and you’re reading this is, please know that you deserve to be seen, your feelings deserve to be spoken about, you aren’t difficult, or too much, you matter, you have the right to ask for whatever it is you need, and don’t ever minimise yourself or your feelings to make others comfortable. I don’t have it all together, or all figured out, and I'm not all healed, but I will continue to share my unfiltered life as a reminder that we are all unique and enough in different ways.”

We're all on the same TEAM.